Introvert at heart,
extroverted on things I love.

I'm 39 years old, and I live in Szczecin - Poland.

I grew up on computer games and building LEGO Technics which developed in me a passion to create, appreciate good design and to constantly ask the question:
“How does it work?“

My passion stared with discovering other fonts than Arial, which ten led me into the rabbit-hole of web/brand design, front-end coding, Flash programming, animation, and much more...

Today I use my knowledge to work with people, share experiences and create meaningful experiences and tools.

My 16personalities is: Assertive Logician (INTP-A)

Me and my family

Some recent and past books


Generally I cannot get myself to read non-fiction because I'm fearing that I'll miss out (FOMO) 😬🤷‍♂️.

What else I do after hours

Scarecrow costume from Batman Begins
Wooden locket from the Prestige
3D printed LED moon (smarthome enabled)
Cat wall playground
Children toys
Cat piano toy
Figma LED sign
iPhone & Apple watch stand
Custom origami figurines (made out of a tram ticket)


While digital products offer their own personal "rewards" when you design and develop them, designing and manufacturing physical products is a different experience, one that I enjoy very much. The process gives my mind a much needed break from interacting with a computer. I cannot imagine myself without DIY in my life.